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Ethical Policy Statement

A reputation for integrity has been a keystone of Trofina Food Middle East’s business since its foundation. It gives customers the confidence that our products are safe and meet the standards claimed for them. Employees at all levels are responsible to protect Trofina’s reputation for integrity. Trofina strive to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct and corporate responsibility worldwide through the application of the following principles;

- Compliance with application laws and regulations is required as a minimum standard.
- Reputable business practices must be applied worldwide.
- Protection of customer intellectual Property at all times.
- Conflicts of interest must be declared and appropriate arrangements made to ensure that those with a material interest are not involved in the decision making process.
- Improper payments of any kind are prohibited, similarly no gift whose value is material and which may be interpreted as a form of inducement should be accepted or offered by Trofina employees.
- Reporting of business performance should be undertaken in such a way that senior management is fully and properly informed concerning the business’ true performance, risks and opportunities in a timely manner.
- Ethical issues must be dealt with in an efficient and transparent manner.
- A positive contribution to society as a whole, and specifically the communities in which we operate, must be ensured.

All employees of Trofina are bounded to follow the principles set out in this policy statement. It is the responsibility of directors and senior management to ensure that all employees who directly or indirectly report to them are fully aware of Trofina’s policies and values in the conduct of the company’s businesses. It is also the responsibility of directors and senior management to lead by example and to demonstrate the highest standards of integrity on carrying out their duties on behalf of the company.